Hello Llama – Micromobility Safety
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Brace yourself for a startling fact: mobility-related accidents have surged by a staggering 79% in recent years, resulting in nearly 200,000 emergency room visits over the last three years. This alarming statistic underscores the pressing need for robust safety solutions in the rapidly expanding shared mobility and delivery landscape.

Introducing Hello Llama, an Atlanta-based AI technology company that is revolutionizing the micromobility safety arena with its cutting-edge Llama Vision – the Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems (ADAS) for Light Electric Vehicles (LEVs). This groundbreaking technology creates a safer environment for riders, communities, and pedestrians, while providing real-time information to operators and enabling a platform for sharing data with municipalities.

At the helm of Hello Llama is David Touwsma, whose experience includes leading one of the top five micro-mobility companies in the world, deploying bikes, e-scooters, and other LEVs for public use. Joining forces with Touwsma are computer vision, artificial intelligence, and battery technology experts, Arun Gunasekaran and Bryan Ovalle, who bring their invaluable innovation expertise from their time at Tesla and SpaceX, respectively.

Key Takeaways

  • Hello Llama’s Llama Vision technology aims to address the 79% surge in mobility-related accidents and 200,000 emergency room visits over the last three years.
  • The company’s ADAS solution is designed for Light Electric Vehicles (LEVs) in the shared mobility and delivery space, where over 36 million new bikes, scooters, and mopeds have been introduced.
  • Hello Llama’s technology is described as small, agile, and cost-effective, emphasizing affordability and integration flexibility for operators.
  • The company is backed by EFO Ventures, an investor focused on supporting mobility, sustainability, and tech-enabled services companies.
  • Hello Llama’s founders bring expertise from leading micro-mobility companies, as well as innovation experience from Tesla and SpaceX.

Introduction to Hello Llama and Micromobility Safety

The world of urban transportation is rapidly evolving, with the rise of micro-mobility solutions like e-scooters and shared bikes. However, this transition has also brought about new challenges in terms of pedestrian safety and micro-vehicle infrastructure. With a staggering 79% spike in mobility-related accidents over the last three years, leading to nearly 200,000 emergency room visits, the need for robust safety measures has become paramount.

The Rise of Micromobility and Its Challenges

The micro-mobility market has witnessed a remarkable surge, with over 36 million new shared bikes, scooters, and mopeds hitting the roads. While these innovative transportation options offer convenience and eco-friendliness, they have also introduced new risks to urban transportation ecosystems, particularly for pedestrians and riders themselves.

Hello Llama’s Mission: Creating Safe Coexistence of LEVs

Recognizing the pressing need for safety solutions, Hello Llama, an Atlanta-based AI technology company, has emerged as a trailblazer in this domain. With a team of experts in computer vision, artificial intelligence, and battery technology, Hello Llama offers customized AI hardware and software solutions tailored to the needs of micro-mobility companies, delivery fleet operators, and their communities.

At the heart of Hello Llama’s innovative approach is Llama Vision – an Advanced Driver-Assistance System (ADAS) for Light Electric Vehicles (LEVs). This cutting-edge technology is designed to improve safety by detecting and responding in real-time to various elements such as pedestrians, sidewalks, bike lanes, pavement, and potholes.

Key Features Benefits
AI, Computer Vision, and Machine Learning Enables real-time object recognition and customizable responses
Affordable and Integrated Solutions Tailored to the needs of micro-mobility and delivery fleet operators
Small, Agile, and Cost-Effective Can be integrated at design stage or retrofitted onto existing assets

With an unwavering commitment to creating a safer environment for riders and communities, Hello Llama is poised to revolutionize the micro-mobility landscape, fostering the safe coexistence of LEVs within urban transportation ecosystems.

Hello Llama’s Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems (ADAS)

Hello Llama has introduced a cutting-edge Advanced Driver-Assistance System (ADAS) called Llama Vision, designed specifically for Light Electric Vehicles (LEVs) such as e-scooters. This innovative technology harnesses the power of artificial intelligence, computer vision, and machine learning to provide a comprehensive safety solution for mobility companies, delivery fleet operators, and their communities.

Computer Vision and AI for Object Recognition

At the core of Llama Vision lies an advanced computer vision system that leverages artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to accurately recognize and identify various objects and infrastructure elements. This includes pedestrians, sidewalks, bike lanes, pavement conditions, and even potential hazards like potholes. By continuously analyzing its surroundings in real-time, the system can respond appropriately to ensure the safety of riders and those around them.

Real-Time Response to Pedestrians, Infrastructure, and Obstacles

One of the key features of Llama Vision is its ability to respond in real-time to the detected objects and infrastructure. Operators can configure the system to initiate specific actions based on the identified elements, such as slowing down the e-scooter when approaching pedestrians or alerting the rider about upcoming potholes or obstacles. This proactive approach not only enhances rider safety but also promotes responsible behavior and increases overall satisfaction with the micro-mobility experience.

Advanced driver-assistance systems

By incorporating cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence, computer vision, and machine learning, Hello Llama’s Llama Vision ADAS system sets a new standard for safety in the micro-mobility industry. With its advanced object recognition capabilities and real-time response mechanisms, it empowers operators to create safer environments for riders while fostering positive rider education and promoting responsible behavior on city streets.

Addressing the Surge in Mobility-Related Accidents

The rapid growth of the micromobility industry, particularly e-scooters, has brought about a concerning rise in accidents and emergency room visits. With the convenience of shared mobility services comes the need for enhanced safety measures to protect riders, pedestrians, and communities alike.

Statistics on Micromobility Accidents and Emergency Room Visits

The surge in mobility-related accidents is evident in the following statistics:

  • In the US, e-scooter ridership increased by a staggering 120% between 2018 and 2019, from 38.5 to 88.5 million trips.
  • Between 2018 and 2019, people in the US took more trips using dockless e-scooters than with station-based bikes.
  • Paris had thirteen operators and a fleet of over 22,000 e-scooters one year after their introduction in June 2018.
  • Between late 2017 and 2018, a dozen e-scooter start-ups attracted more than USD 1.5 billion in funding, indicating the industry’s rapid growth.

The Need for Safety Solutions in the Shared Mobility Industry

With the proliferation of shared e-scooter services, now available in nearly 400 cities globally as of July 2020, there is an urgent need for safety solutions to address the increasing number of accidents and pedestrian safety concerns. Companies like Hello Llama, with cutting-edge technology that promotes micromobility safety and accident prevention, are crucial in ensuring the sustainable growth of the shared mobility industry.

Year E-scooter Trips in the US (in millions) Increase from Previous Year
2018 38.5
2019 88.5 120%

The table above illustrates the significant increase in e-scooter trips in the US between 2018 and 2019, highlighting the need for robust safety measures like those offered by Hello Llama to mitigate the risks associated with the rapid growth of the micromobility industry.

Customizable Solutions for Operators and Cities

As urban areas witness a surge in the adoption of micro-mobility solutions like e-scooters and shared bikes, ensuring rider education and compliance with traffic regulations becomes paramount. Hello Llama’s customizable technology caters to the diverse needs of mobility operators and cities, enabling them to create a safe micro-vehicle infrastructure and foster responsible urban transportation.

Configurable Object Recognition and Rider Alerts

Llama Vision’s advanced AI and computer vision capabilities allow operators to select specific objects and infrastructure elements they want the system to identify, such as pedestrians, sidewalks, bike lanes, and potholes. Based on these configurations, the system can provide real-time alerts and guidance to riders, promoting safer behavior and preventing accidents.

micro-vehicle infrastructure

Compliance with Safety Regulations and Insurance Requirements

As cities increasingly legislate safety compliance measures and insurance providers set new rates and requirements, micro-mobility and delivery fleet operators can rely on Hello Llama’s customized solutions. By improving rider behavior, increasing satisfaction, and creating safer communities, these solutions help operators meet evolving regulations while reducing liability risks.

Through configurable object recognition, rider alerts, and proactive safety measures, Hello Llama empowers operators and cities to shape a responsible e-scooter culture, ensuring the sustainable growth of urban transportation while prioritizing the well-being of riders and pedestrians alike.

Hello Llama – Micromobility Safety

Hello Llama’s cutting-edge technology, Llama Vision, is an Advanced Driver-Assistance System (ADAS) designed specifically for Light Electric Vehicles (LEVs). This innovative solution aims to enhance pedestrian safety, prevent accidents, and promote helmet use while fostering micromobility safety and adherence to traffic regulations.

Protecting Riders, Pedestrians, and Communities

Leveraging AI, computer vision, and machine learning, Llama Vision can detect and respond in real-time to various objects and infrastructure encountered by riders, including pedestrians, sidewalks, bike lanes, pavement, and potholes. This capability allows for proactive measures to be taken, such as slowing down or alerting the rider, thereby reducing the risk of collisions and safeguarding both riders and pedestrians.

Improving User Behavior and Rider Satisfaction

By providing real-time feedback and guidance, Hello Llama’s customized fleet solutions encourage responsible riding practices and adherence to traffic regulations. This not only enhances micromobility safety but also contributes to improved rider satisfaction through a more seamless and enjoyable experience. Furthermore, the technology’s ability to detect potential hazards and infrastructure issues helps riders navigate more confidently, fostering a sense of security and trust in the service.

With its advanced capabilities, Hello Llama is poised to revolutionize the shared mobility and delivery industries, creating safer communities and promoting the widespread adoption of sustainable transportation options.

Partnerships and Market Reach

At its launch, Hello Llama has secured key partnerships in the Shared Mobility and Delivery space, leveraging the significant opportunity presented by the introduction of over 36 million new shared e-scooters, bikes, and mopeds to the market. The company’s leadership team astutely identified a void in the micro-vehicle infrastructure sector and capitalized on it by offering affordable, easily integrated, and superior safety products.

Collaborations with Shared Mobility and Delivery Companies

Through its strategic collaborations, Hello Llama aims to provide cost-effective and agile technology solutions to operators in the Shared Mobility and Delivery industries. The company’s innovative technology, powered by AI, computer vision, and machine learning, is designed to enhance user behavior, increase rider education and satisfaction, and promote safer communities by detecting and responding in real-time to various objects and urban transportation infrastructure.

Expansion in the Growing Micromobility Market

With a staggering 79% spike in mobility-related accidents, leading to nearly 200,000 emergency room visits over the last three years, Hello Llama’s cutting-edge safety solutions are well-positioned to address the pressing need for heightened helmet use and overall rider safety in the rapidly growing micromobility market.

micromobility safety

Key Factors Statistics
Increase in mobility-related accidents 79% spike
Emergency room visits Nearly 200,000 over the last three years
New shared bikes, scooters, and mopeds Over 36 million introduced to the market

With a proven track record of identifying market voids and capitalizing on opportunities, Hello Llama’s leadership team recognized the urgent need for innovative safety solutions in the rapidly expanding micromobility sector. By leveraging cutting-edge technologies like AI, computer vision, and machine learning, the company is poised to revolutionize rider education, promote safer urban transportation, and enhance the overall rider experience.

Technological Innovations and Future Developments

At the forefront of advanced driver-assistance systems and micromobility safety, Hello Llama is pioneering innovative solutions that leverage the power of artificial intelligence and computer vision. The company’s groundbreaking technology, Llama Vision, is poised to revolutionize the shared mobility and delivery industries, offering unparalleled accident prevention capabilities.

Tesla-like Innovation for Light Electric Vehicles

Drawing inspiration from the automotive industry’s trailblazers, Hello Llama is introducing Tesla-like innovation to the realm of light electric vehicles (LEVs). With a team boasting expertise from industry giants like Tesla and SpaceX, the company is well-equipped to deliver cutting-edge solutions that raise the bar for safety and efficiency in the micromobility sector.

Upcoming Proprietary Features and Advancements

Extending far beyond mere sidewalk detection and parking enforcement, Hello Llama’s computer vision technology promises a suite of proprietary features that will redefine the industry. The company’s co-founders, Arun Gunasekaran and Bryan Ovalle, are spearheading the development of these groundbreaking advancements, leveraging their extensive knowledge in artificial intelligence, computer vision, and battery technology.

“Computer vision is about much more than just sidewalk detection and parking enforcement. The Hello Llama team is excited to continue to announce new, proprietary features in the coming weeks that will change this industry. By introducing Tesla-like innovation to light electric vehicles, we’ve created a safety halo to not just protect riders, but the surrounding environments and communities in which they travel.”

With a steadfast commitment to innovation, Hello Llama is poised to unveil a series of cutting-edge solutions that will elevate the safety and efficiency of micromobility devices, enabling them to interact seamlessly with their surroundings and providing unparalleled protection for riders, pedestrians, and communities alike.

Hardware Integration and Retrofitting

Hello Llama’s cutting-edge e-scooters and micro-vehicle infrastructure solutions are designed for seamless integration into the urban transportation landscape. The company’s hardware can be fully incorporated into the design and production phase of new vehicles, ensuring optimal safety and functionality from the outset.

Design and Production Phase Integration

By collaborating with manufacturers from the initial stages, Hello Llama’s technology can be integrated seamlessly into the hardware and software systems of e-scooters and other light electric vehicles. This approach enables rider education and safety features to be woven into the core functionality, promoting compliance with traffic regulations and enhancing the overall user experience.

Retrofitting for Existing Deployed Assets

Recognizing the vast number of e-scooters and micro-mobility vehicles already in operation, Hello Llama’s solutions are designed to be hardware agnostic, allowing for retrofitting on current assets. This flexibility ensures that cities, operators, and riders can benefit from the company’s cutting-edge safety features without the need for costly replacements or overhauls.

Whether through seamless integration during the manufacturing process or retrofitting existing fleets, Hello Llama’s adaptable approach empowers cities, operators, and riders to embrace the future of safe and sustainable urban transportation.

Integration Option Benefits Target Audience
Design and Production Phase Seamless integration, optimized safety and functionality Manufacturers, operators, cities
Retrofitting Upgrading existing assets, cost-effective solution Operators, cities with deployed fleets

EFO Ventures: Incubator and Investor

Hello Llama’s cutting-edge micromobility safety technology is supported by EFO Ventures, the company’s seed investor and incubator. EFO Ventures works directly with startups in the micro-vehicle infrastructure, sustainability, and tech-enabled services sectors, providing financial investment and dedicated development support.

Dedicated Development and Support for Mobility Startups

With a focus on nurturing innovative companies in the mobility space, EFO Ventures offers comprehensive guidance and resources to its portfolio companies. This strategic partnership with Hello Llama highlights EFO’s commitment to fostering solutions that prioritize pedestrian safety and accident prevention in the rapidly growing micromobility industry.

Previous Launches: MIXTE Direct-to-Consumer E-Bike

EFO Ventures’ involvement with Hello Llama follows the successful launch of MIXTE (www.exploremixte.com), a direct-to-consumer e-bike brand in the United States. This experience in promoting sustainable transportation solutions aligns with Hello Llama’s mission to enhance micromobility safety through advanced technology.

By investing in and nurturing companies like Hello Llama, EFO Ventures aims to drive innovation in the micromobility sector, addressing critical issues such as helmet use and promoting safer rider behavior for a more sustainable future.


In summary, Hello Llama’s Micromobility Safety solution, Llama Vision, leverages advanced AI, computer vision, and machine learning to enable safe navigation of city streets for e-scooters and other light electric vehicles. By detecting and responding in real-time to pedestrians, infrastructure, and obstacles, the system promotes correct rider education, increases satisfaction, and creates safer urban transportation environments while adhering to traffic regulations.

Through customizable solutions, key partnerships with shared mobility and delivery companies, and continuous innovative advancements, Hello Llama is revolutionizing these rapidly growing industries. The technology addresses the alarming surge in mobility-related accidents, providing a much-needed safety solution for riders, operators, and communities alike. With features like helmet use monitoring and accident prevention measures, Hello Llama is paving the way for safer micro-vehicle infrastructure integration.

Amid the booming micromobility market, Hello Llama’s cutting-edge technology stands as a crucial enabler for the widespread adoption and coexistence of light electric vehicles in urban areas. By prioritizing safety and leveraging advanced technologies, Hello Llama is shaping the future of sustainable and efficient transportation solutions.


What is Hello Llama?

Hello Llama is an Atlanta-based AI technology company that has developed Llama Vision – an Advanced Driver-Assistance System (ADAS) for Light Electric Vehicles (LEVs) such as e-scooters and e-bikes.

What does Llama Vision do?

Llama Vision uses AI, computer vision, and machine learning to detect and respond in real-time to objects and infrastructure like pedestrians, sidewalks, bike lanes, and potholes. It enables operators to configure reactions such as slowing down or alerting the rider.

Why is micromobility safety important?

There has been a 79% spike in mobility-related accidents with nearly 200,000 emergency room visits over the last three years. Hello Llama’s technology provides a safety solution for riders, operators, and communities.

How does Llama Vision improve rider behavior and safety?

By recognizing pedestrians, infrastructure, and obstacles, Llama Vision enables appropriate rider behavior, increases rider satisfaction, and creates safer communities.

Can Llama Vision be customized?

Yes, Hello Llama offers customized fleet solutions that allow operators to select which objects and infrastructure they want the system to recognize and configure corresponding reactions.

How does Llama Vision address safety regulations and insurance requirements?

As cities legislate safety compliance and insurers set new rates and requirements, Hello Llama’s customized solutions help operators improve user behavior, increase rider satisfaction, and create safer communities.

Does Hello Llama have partnerships in the shared mobility and delivery space?

Yes, at launch, Hello Llama has secured key partnerships in the shared mobility and delivery space, catering to the growing market of over 36 million new shared bikes, scooters, and mopeds on the road.

What makes Hello Llama’s technology innovative?

Hello Llama’s team includes experts from Tesla and SpaceX, and they are introducing Tesla-like innovation to light electric vehicles with proprietary features and advancements.

Can Llama Vision be integrated into existing or new vehicles?

Yes, Hello Llama’s hardware can be fully integrated at the design and production phase, or retrofitted on current assets already deployed.

Who is EFO Ventures, and what is their role?

EFO Ventures is Hello Llama’s seed investor and incubator, providing financial and dedicated development support to companies in the mobility, sustainability, and tech-enabled services industries. They previously launched the direct-to-consumer e-bike brand MIXTE.

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